Industry-Specific Library
Have you ever stopped to think about just how much your paper is costing you? Calculating the storage cost is simple math, but what about the improvements in efficiency? What if there is a fire, or a natural disaster, are your documents protect? Are your files in-compliance with state/federal laws? RMMI serves a number of industries. View examples of products used, case studies, benefits, and more by industry.

Protecting private health care information is increasingly vital in today’s age of electronic recordkeeping. RMMI helps health care-related organizations of all sizes secure sensitive health care documents as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Most common projects: Eligibility of benefits (EOB’s), Medical records, Clinic records, patient rights, patient registration, home health records, specialty clinic records, financials, accounts payable, payroll, purchase orders, contracts, human resources (HR), personnel, job postings, applications, I-9’s, W-4’s, W-2’s, workers compensation, microfilm conversions, microfiche conversions, and more to come…
Healthcare Brief
Are manual processes costing you money? Do you feel the pressure to convert paper processes to electronic ones? Various congressional acts, such as The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) require just that.
HIPAA Law Compliance Brief
Do you still have paper records? If so, you may be in danger of costly fines. Healthcare providers must secure Protected Health Information (PHI), exchange data electronically, and protect patient information to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
National Jewish Case Study
As the medical records landscape has changed with the advent of HIPAA, National Jewish wanted to implement an electronic records system that would allow them to quickly locate and retrieve patient records, while maintaining full security and confidentiality of protected health information (PHI).
Yuma District Hospital Case Study
Yuma District Hospital realized they were running out of room. After 30 years in operation, they had accumulated millions of paper records. The boxes of records had begun to overflow their storage rooms to various locations around the hospital.
Wray District Hospital Case Study
After 22 years in operation in the current facility, WHC had accumulated thousands of paper records. The boxes of records had begun to overflow their storage rooms, and documents were becoming difficult to locate. “Because documents were everywhere, it was taking time to find things, it was really starting to affect the kind of customer service we could provide,” said Jennie Sullivan, CEO. “Either we needed to hire additional staff and build additional storage space, or find a different solution.”

RMMI’s electronic document management solutions are perfect for educational institutions. Electronic records are easily located, readily accessible, and securely stored, eliminating the need for extensive paper files and reducing the risks associated with maintaining and storing student records on paper.
Most common projects: Board minutes, student records, microfilm and microfiche, graduates/transcripts, SPED records, registrations, automated student registration process, human resources (HR), personnel, applications, payroll, PERA, workers compensation, finance, accounts payable, journal entries, W-9’s, activity funds, audits, financial reports, largescale drawings and plans, October counts, specific programs, ESL, gifted and talented, suspensions and expulsions, grants, contracts, and more to come…
Education Brief
In the U.S., schools and universities have a volume of information they must maintain and protect, which can be overwhelming, time consuming and costly. What if your school could enhance efficiency, gain more control and save money with the implementation of one system?
FERPA Law Compliance Brief
Schools must maintain sufficient security to guard against unauthorized access to records and to document each disclosure. They must also notify parents and adult students annually of their rights under FERPA. Individual liability varies from state to state, but any school found in FERPA violation jeopardizes federal funding.
Adams District 50 Case Study
Now that electronic information is accessible in seconds, HR, finance, accounts payable and student records employees gain one full day of productivity each week. It used to take seven staff members an entire week to prepare documents for student funding audits, but not anymore. Because auditors can access all the necessary information themselves through ImageSilo, the District saves $3,500 annually.
GOAL Academy Case Study
Last year, it took one staff member three months to process the economic data forms required by the state for 2,200 students. This year with Formatta and ImageSilo, we were able to process all of the survey forms in less than two weeks without adding staff.
NCLB Law Compliance Brief
Under NCLB, states develop their own plan while still collecting, reporting and maintaining the student data and academic progress. These requirements expand the scope of school records and emphasize the importance of records systems. The government allocates NCLB funding for each state, and noncompliance can result in the loss of millions in funding.
Colorado School District Retention Policy
View the most recent retention policies required by the state.

Courts & Law Enforcement
Security is the word that comes to mind, when thinking how to secure your data! Whether you manage court documents, law enforcement records, case files, or jail records, you can trust RMMI to help you drive efficiency and boost productivity by keeping your electronic documents safe, secure, and readily accessible.
Most common projects: Jail records, case files, juvenile case files, human resources, finance, public trustee, sheriff’s departments, microfilm conversions, microfiche conversions, and more to come…
Criminal Justice Brief
In the U.S., there are nearly 20,000 law enforcement agencies, and according to the Center for Democracy & Technology, each has one or more internal systems as well as links to national records systems. Creating an integrated information infrastructure that provides timely access to critical information is a key requirement for justice agencies to carry out statutory policy for criminal cases and offenders.
Colorado Judicial Flyer
No matter what your current document management structure looks like, RMMI is here to help. We have the knowledge and experience to help plan and implement a new document management strategy, or revamp an old system and processes to improve efficiencies. We will take the time necessary to get to know you and your specific needs and tailor our solutions accordingly.
Municipal Courts Retention Policy
View the most recent Municipal Courts retention policies required by the state.
Colorado Sheriff Retention Policy
View the most recent Colorado Sheriff’s Records retention policies required by the state.
CJIS Compliant
The CJIS Security Policy (“Policy”) reflects the shared responsibility between FBI CJIS, CJIS Systems Agency (CSA), and the State Identification Bureaus (SIB) of the lawful use and appropriate protection of Criminal Justice Information (CJI). The Policy provides a baseline of security requirements for current and planned services, and establishes a minimum standard for new initiatives. RMMI is fully compliant with all current CJIS standards and is registered with CBIA’s Vendor Management Program.

Finance & Human Resources
Regardless of what industry you are in, most businesses can relate to the documentation nightmare their finance and human resources departments’ experience daily. Numbers don’t lie and having the correct records stored digitally for quick retrieval purposes, makes sense when time is always ticking. Let RMMI show you how to create efficiencies throughout your process and give you the peace of mind that your valuable data is secure. Set your retention schedules, index accordingly, and enjoy your new disaster relieve plan!
Most common projects: Human Resources (HR), personnel, job postings, applications, payroll, I-9’s, W-4’s, W-2’s, workers compensation, finance, accounts payable, fixed assets, W-9’s, audits, reports, tax filings, agreements, contracts, budgets, bonds, and more to come…
HR Brief
The amount of information flowing into HR is continuously increasing. From the moment a position is created or becomes available until well after an employee is no longer with the company, detailed information must be documented, archived and accessible. RMMI can customize a system that will enable you to quickly convert paper records to electronic documents, improving your efficiency while managing employee services, and make controlling information security effortless by safeguarding information and allowing secure accessibility.
Check 21 Law Compliance Brief
Congruent with the digital age, the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Check 21) allows businesses to create a digital version of an original check, fostering a national transition from a paper-based to an image-based payment system. Formed by the Federal Reserve System in 2004, Check 21 affects any organization in the business of banking. The law also makes legal the process of scanning or capturing images of checks and depositing them electronically, a process known as remote deposit.
GLBA Law Compliance Brief
The GLBA applies to financial institutions – companies that offer financial products or services to individuals, like loans, financial or investment advice, or insurance. Under the Financial Privacy Rule, these financial institutions must comply with three simple requirements: they must securely store personal financial information; they must advise individuals on their sharing policies; and they must give individuals the option to opt-out. In addition, the Safeguards Rule requires a written information security plan.
HDMA Law Compliance Brief
If you lend money for home mortgages, you must comply with the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). Enacted by Congress in 1975 and implemented by the Federal Reserve Board, HMDA requires lending institutions to collect and disclose information about housing-related loans and applications. It applies to covered depository lenders as well as non-depository lenders. Any violation of the HMDA reporting requirements may subject you to costly consequences, including civil fines.
Accounting Brief
According to the Institute for Finance & Management (IOFM), the average organization receives at least 1,200 invoices each month at a processing cost of $11.76 per invoice. Nearly 70% of invoice handling costs are related to document handling and manual data entry alone. RMMI can design a custom system to convert your paper files to electronic format, and create more efficient processing and information control, thus reducing business costs.
Financial Services Brief
Information security is the most important aspect of a financial services company. RMMI can create a customized system designed; to ensure efficiency and ease, to control information for security and compliance, and to maintain complete record access for information demands, while establishing a reputation for exemplary security and control.
Western Guaranty Fund Services (WGFS) Case Study
WGFS receives thousands of claim documents in a matter of weeks. A single claim file could include up to seven boxes of documents dating back 25 years or more. As a result, storage was an issue.
Federal, County & City Government
When it comes to serving federal governments, county governments and social services agencies, no one knows electronic document management like RMMI. Our team has extensive experience navigating the seemingly endless stacks of paper files (and rooms full of cabinets to store them) that characterize so many county departments and quasigovernmental offices. Let us help you reclaim your space by keeping your government documents safe, secure, and instantly accessible at the touch of a button.
Most common projects: Administration, county clerk, human resources, planning and zoning, building, permits, land use, public trustee, treasure’s, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, finance, child welfare, EMAS, LEAP, adult services, TANF, child support, options for long-term care, eligibility programs, department of health, case files, juvenile case files, sheriff’s department, jail records, concealed handgun permits, microfilm conversions, microfiche conversions, and more to come…
Government Brief
Government agencies are responsible for managing public records and record systems, while at the same time, maintaining ironclad information security to allow access to public information. What if it were possible for you to turn your existing system into an efficient, money saving system?
Otero County Case Study
Years of paper recordkeeping and storage left this small office struggling for space with two 20’x14’ vaults completely filled with filing cabinets and staff desks piled up with stacks of files often more than a foot high.
FRCP Brief
The FRCP acknowledges electronic information as containing important business records subject to discovery. As a result, discovery affects archived and active file servers. Parties involved in a lawsuit must preserve documents, including email messages, as evidence. Risks for non-compliance can include fines, criminal penalties and obstruction of justice charges. And, “failure to preserve” electronically stored information in anticipation of a lawsuit can result in further punishment.
Colorado Municipalities Retention Policy
View the most recent Municipalities retention policies required by the state.
Colorado Special Districts Retention Policy
View the most recent Special Districts retention policies required by the state.
Program Support Center (PSC)
By December 31, 2019, all permanent records held in federal agencies will need to be managed electronically for eventual transfer and electronic accessioning by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). PSC assists in assessing what customers have, determining an action plan and offering document scanning, indexing, or data entry assistance while meeting NARA requirements.
RMMI Capability Statement
RMMI Digital Document Solutions’ services provide the essentials to expertly manage data and information as a result of paperless and workflow initiatives, data conversions, litigation, investigations, FOIA, and discovery requests. By designing systems to capture, store, consolidate, organize, categorize and control a variety of records, create eForms and workflows to automate business processes, and by leveraging artificial intelligence technologies to reveal insight and context into information previously unknown, RMMI is able to provide a better way to manage your information and its workflow.
GPO Specs
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has issued a new GPO Publication 310.2, GPO Contract Terms – Solicitation Provisions, Supplemental Specifications, and Contract Clauses (Rev 1-18). Prospective bidders should carefully read this publication as the applicable terms within become an integral part of this contract.